Learn Spanish with Bueno, Entonces!

After several months in Argentina, my Spanish became functional.  I could tell the cab driver which route to take.  I could understand the cat calls on the street enough to know if I should be flattered or offended.  I could chat with anyone.  I discovered how pleasurable this form of naturally acquired language could be.  I never had to study grammar, or complete stupid exercises, or be bored in class.  It was great, except…well, after awhile, I realized that I wanted to sound educated while speaking Spanish.  So maybe I needed to study after all…

Luckily for me, I found the perfect medium for studying Spanish in my preferred natural acquisition style.  I discovered Bueno, Entonces, a popular electronic Spanish program, made in Argentina specifically for students of Argentine Castellaño, which is slightly different from other Spanish dialects, although the fundamentals are the same.

Bueno, Entonces is a downloadable Spanish program that you can use with itunes.

Like learning Spanish while chatting with friends, Bueno, Entonces is casual, entertaining and very helpful for an educated natural acquisition of Porteño Spanish.

The online classes are led by David, a witty Brit trying to learn Spanish, and Jimena, a native Porteña Spanish teacher. Jimena, with her impeccable Argentine rhythm is the perfect apathetic balance to Dave and his silly quips.  The two of them are sure to make you laugh aloud.

The visuals are great.  Their hilarious yet informative conversations come with a written transcript, so you can read what you are hearing on a ‘magic whiteboard’. Grammatical explanations are color-coded, and explained simply.  The pace is fast, but the method is so clever, that your subconscious is sure to pick up the rules.  The method is refreshingly non-traditional, and very effective.

If you are like me and like to be entertained while you learn, you will love this.  It’s enjoyable like a funny youtube video, educational like a Spanish class, and culturally relevant to Buenos Aires.  Bueno, Entonces is the perfect way to be prepared for your trip to Buenos Aires, or learn and improve your Spanish when you’re already here!

Click the ad on the side of the page and purchase your own program now!


About MyBeautifulAir

Wherever I go, there I am.
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2 Responses to Learn Spanish with Bueno, Entonces!

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Learn Spanish with Bueno, Entonces! | .My.Beautiful.Air. -- Topsy.com

  2. Matt says:

    I have never heard of Bueno, Entonces before as a learn spanish software. I have heard of a ton of others that are out there. Thanks for mentioning it as I will definately check it out.

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